The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 850+ villages island-wide, and reached over 135,000+ beneficiaries in 2023 alone by way of 20 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

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“The earth, the air, the land, and the water are not an inheritance from our forefathers but on loan from our children. So, we have to handover to them at least as it was handed over to us.” –  Gandhi 



Access to clean water is a fundamental human right and a cornerstone for sustainable development. While significant progress has been made globally in improving water infrastructure, there remains a critical need to address water challenges, particularly in rural areas of Sri Lanka. In the context of rural development, access to clean water is not merely a convenience; it is a catalyst for positive change, impacting health, education, agriculture, and overall community well-being. 

At the Foundation of Goodness, we are dedicated to advancing environmental and water sustainability. We firmly believe that the sustainability of rural environments is pivotal to village development within the broader global community. Our unique rural development model places sustainable development at the core of empowering rural communities. Clean water access is a vital aspect of our ongoing developmental efforts. A pressing health concern arising from impure drinking water is the alarming rise of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Sri Lanka. 



The Foundation of Goodness is committed to providing clean drinking water to communities affected by this crisis. Reverse Osmosis Water Purification stands out as a technique capable of removing chemical contaminants from water, making it a crucial tool in this scenario. The Reverse Osmosis Water Purification project aims to alleviate the water crisis in rural Sri Lankan villages by ensuring a consistent supply of clean drinking water. 

Our most recent project is the inauguration of our 16th Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Plant, generously sponsored by Adamjee Lukmanjee Exports Pvt Ltd, at Gamini Junior School in Nikawewa, Jayanthipura, Polonnaruwa. This facility provides students and teachers with easy access to clean water, ensuring their safety and health. 



Another recent project worth highlighting is the Water Tank & Bathing Facility at Kosgalawatta, Ratnapura, sponsored by Mr. Jothi Periasamy and his family. Officially opened on November 1, 2023, this project has brought relief to the residents of Kosgalawatta, providing clean water access through a dedicated tank. Thanks to generous donations, the 60 families in this village can now experience less struggle and discomfort, ensuring a better life for generations to come.



In the pursuit of rural development, ensuring access to clean water must be prioritized as a fundamental building block. The interconnectedness of clean water access with health, education, agriculture, and environmental sustainability highlights its multifaceted importance. By recognizing the vital role of clean water in rural development, we can work towards creating a future where all individuals have the opportunity to lead healthy, prosperous, and fulfilling lives.



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