FoG’s Monitoring & Evaluation Programme The Planet Wheeler Foundation has always been a major donor critical to sustaining Foundation of Goodness activities and we have been able to carry out our numerous activities to uplift countless lives because we have been blessed by their support. Gaya and Indira soon came to the conclusion that the best way to culminate their monitoring and evaluation process would be through a Strategic Planning Workshop which would bring all of the FoG staff from Seenigama and Colombo together under one roof. With a staff of over 100 strong, who hailed from very diverse locations, planning the workshop was a task in itself. We were very fortunate to receive help from the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, who awarded a grant for the funding necessary for a residential workshop. The workshop helped to paint a big picture of FoG activity and then narrowed down how each sector, and then each staff member could work towards achieving these objectives. The workshop, which took place over three days also helped build team work and develop leadership among the FoG staff, as well as helping to create closer bonds between people from different sectors who did interact regularly. Overall, the workshop was a great success in developing staff and focusing FoG activities for the next 10 years ahead with less reliance on donor funding while developing FoG sustainable income initiatives. All who attended came away feeling motivated and rejuvenated, with a new sense of purpose and teamwork and a newfound understanding and respect for hidden talents displayed over the weekend. All at the Foundation of Goodness are extremely grateful for this wonderful M&E opportunity given to us by the Planet Wheeler Foundation and thankful for the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy for enabling us to have the Strategic Planning Workshop. Last but not least, this experience would not have been the same without the insight, empathy and expertise extended to us by Gaya and Indira who worked tirelessly along with us, and became a part of the FoG family over the process. 2nd September 2014