


FoG beneficiaries and staff keeping the village and its coastlines clean

The Foundation of Goodness has always encouraged its beneficiaries to play an active role in their community through a variety of aid and outreach programmes. One way that our students and staff care for their village and its surroundings by giving back in a meaningful way is through special clean-ups conducted on a weekly or monthly basis.

Our Diving &Training Centre students head to the Seenigama beach every Saturday to pick up trash and dispose of other hazardous items that have either washed up or been discarded along the coastline.

Being a coastal community which depend heavily on the bounty of the ocean to secure their livelihoods, it is essential for the villagers to understand that keeping the ocean and its surrounding environment clean and pollution free is directly linked to their own well-being and quite often, setting an example by leading from the front is exactly what is needed to motivate others to do the same.

Keeping our beaches clean is a really important task. Junk and debris that collect on the beach wash out into the sea where they get tangled up in the reef or settle on the ocean floor and cause incredible harm to the biodiversity.

Along with the Dive Students, teams of FoG beneficiaries from other classes and programmes as well as our programme and management staff also get involved in a number of cleaning programmes at the beach and also across other public venues in the village such as the bus stops, railway stations, temples and streets.

These cleaning campaigns are not just about keeping the village looking beautiful, they play an important role in improving the health, hygiene and living standards of the villagers, and setting an example for others reminding them to always be mindful and help keep their villages and coastlines clean.

182th September 2018













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