The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 900+ villages island-wide, and reached over 307,000+ beneficiaries in 2022 alone by way of 15 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

Ampleforth College, UK Sports Tour to Seenigama

Sports Academy Achievers
June 8, 2023
Love in the time of Crisis: The ‘All You Need is Love’ fundraiser by the B P de Silva Group and Singapore Red Cross supports Sri Lankan rural families in strife.
June 22, 2023

It has always a highlight for the Foundation of Goodness when a sports teams visits us to test their skills in a friendly tournament with our rural players. Sports tours are a great way for teams from around the works to engage with talented Sri Lankan sportsmen and women to expand their experiences and enjoy the understanding and fellowship that comes through the bond on the field, overcoming language and geographical barriers.

Ampleforth College from UK visited us at the Sports Academy in Seenigama with their Under 15 teams to engage in Cricket and Netball matches with the FoG Academy teams. Everyone had a wonderful time testing their skills against each other in rousing cricket and netball matches where the teams had the opportunity to learn from each other.


The students from Ampleforth College also took the time to visit our Centre of Excellence to learn more about the Foundation of Goodness and all the work that we do to uplift rural communities before spending some time engaging with the village youth.


The team also took the time to visit the beach and enjoy the beautiful Seenigama coastline.

This was a delightful opportunity for students from across the world to come together and learn more about each others lives, as well as learn mutual respect while building bridges of friendship based on their shared love for sports that would span across nations.



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