The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 900+ villages island-wide, and reached over 307,000+ beneficiaries in 2022 alone by way of 15 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

Community Psychosocial Unit Activities

Bridging the Digital Divide
May 19, 2021
The Importance of the Provision Business Skills Courses
June 3, 2021

Being in a global pandemic can greatly affect mental health and wellbeing. Our Community Psychosocial Unit has mobilised to meet these needs and are busier than ever as they help the local community and our beneficiaries navigate this difficult time. 

In March, the Community Psychosocial Unit conducted special counselling and awareness sessions for the parents of the students of our Finding Dreams special needs unit and over 100 parents of preschool students in the region. They discussed the importance of counselling and how parents should be aware of the psychosocial state of their children. 

Suresh and Vindya from our Community Psychosocial Unit at the OYOB Centre of Excellence in Seenigama also conducted two awareness programmes for the beneficiaries of the MS Office Class and those following our dressmaking course at the Centre.

One of the awareness programmes revolved around adolescent children and family while the other focused on the topic of “How the mobile has divided the Family”.

These workshops are part of our belief to go beyond offering only knowledge based education for our beneficiaries.

As our Centres close once again our Community Psychosocial Unit is keeping in touch with our beneficiaries as they stay at home due to stringent health regulations being imposed once again in Sri Lanka. They are reminded to engage in small activities with family, be with nature and spend time away from the internet!


The Community Psychosocial Unit which formed post Tsunami to help those affected cope with the loss of their families and homes has grown to become an integral part of the empowerment services offered free at the OYOB Centre of Excellence in Seenigama, having delivered their services to over 10,000 beneficiaries to date.

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