The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 900+ villages island-wide, and reached over 307,000+ beneficiaries in 2022 alone by way of 15 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.


January 22, 2020
February 5, 2020

Many of us remember the joy that comes from getting new school supplies. At the beginning of the school year, we would eagerly wait to show off to our friends the brand new pencils, sparkling white erasers and a rainbow of colour pencils, all encased in your brand new pencil case emblazoned with your favourite cartoon character. As a child, there are few feelings in the world that can top that feeling of joy and contentment.



The Foundation of Goodness this year, brought that thrilling feeling of joy to 5,262 children all over Sri Lanka. With the belief that education can change the world, the annual Essential School Supplies Programme provides children from under-served communities with brand new school supplies, encouraging them for the new school year and giving them hope for the future. The relief brought to families that have been known to spend their entire income on buying the simplest of school supplies, often at the expense of meals, is immense. The Foundation of Goodness continues to believe that our “school supplies pack” does not just carry essentials for school, but the lofty dreams these children have for their future.



With the kind and continuous support of our donors, this year’s Essential School Supplies Programme has surpassed all the previous years and brought happiness and hope to many in need. The Foundation of Goodness personally transported and delivered these school packs to the North, South, East and Central areas of Sri Lanka. Among the 5,262 delighted students, 2,000 of the school packs were sponsored by our trustee Muttiah Muralitharan and went to the children of estate community workers.



For just USD 23 (LKR 4000), these children have been given not only essential stationery, but a voucher for shoes, uniform material, and reusable lunch box and water bottles, gearing them up for the year ahead. Nelson Mandela once said, that the greatest weapon you can use to change the world is education.

Join us to be a part of this remarkable initiative, as we continue to enhance the lives of children all over Sri Lanka by ensuring that the lack of supplies does not hinder them on their path to a brighter future.

We thank all our incredible donors, whose kindness and generosity enabled all these children to start their new school year in 2020, fully equipped and empowered!

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