The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 900+ villages island-wide, and reached over 307,000+ beneficiaries in 2022 alone by way of 15 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

How do we carry out welfare projects?

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The Foundation of Goodness is at its core a charitable organization that aims to empower rural disadvantaged communities in Sri Lanka. In addition to the long term empowerment courses offered by our Centres islandwide, we also satisfy many one-off welfare appeals that come to us from struggling rural Sri Lankans in desperate circumstances. These include appeals for medical requirements, livelihoods assistance, utilities and much more. 

Unfortunately due to restricted funding, we are unable to satisfy all the appeals that come to us and hence they are categorized in order of urgency to be fulfilled whenever funds are available or when a kind donor specifically wishes to fulfill unmet welfare needs.

What happens?

  1. You donate towards “community welfare projects” 
  2. Your donation goes to a pool of funds allocated for welfare projects (unless specified otherwise) together with other donors
  3. All welfare appeals received every week are compiled. Research on the details of the welfare appeals and the recipients are carried out at this stage and they are categorized under the type of appeal. Example, Healthcare, education or medical.
  4. The FoG welfare team then assesses the appeals and selects the most deserving appeals under each type, subject to available donor funds. 
  5. You receive the list of projects your donation, together with other donors, would be utilized for
  6. Once the projects are completed, you will receive pictures from the projects. 

The Foundation of Goodness fulfills welfare appeals based on the theme “unconditional compassion”, expecting nothing in return. This allows us to help people in real need, such as the family of Irosha Malkanthi, who require assistance to buy dry rations and medicine for her young family with three children. A cement mixing machine had fallen on her husband who was a labourer and damaged his spine and legs. Since he is unable to work they have no means of income and are struggling. 

Several desperate requests for wheelchairs, electrical connections, sports scholarships, good condition used laptops and much more are made possible by kind donors from across Sri Lanka and the world. 


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