The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 850+ villages island-wide, and reached over 135,000+ beneficiaries in 2023 alone by way of 20 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

Ocean Care with Majestic Whale Encounters

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Many of us would have seen how the Earth slowly began to recover when we were in lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Exotic animals began to appear, air pollution disappeared leaving blue skies and the Earth took a much-needed break from being pushed to its limits. The beautiful oceans of Sri Lanka, often suffocated by plastic, motor fuel and other pollutants were also much cleaner in the absence of activity. 

As lockdown begins to ease, it is important to appreciate how breathtaking Nature can be if we took care of it while using it for our own gain. A simple act of responsibility can go a long way.

The Dive Centre in Seenigama, rests on the shores of the picturesque south coast of Sri Lanka. Deep, clear blue waters and a broad beach allow us to fully enjoy the benefits of the Ocean. However, in recent times the Dive Centre had noticed an increase in the amount of plastic pollution and other trash in the ocean, marring the exotic species and awe-inspiring shipwrecks found during a dive. 

It is from this inspiration to make a change that the Ocean Care initiative was born and it is now more important that ever before, to preserve the tranquility our oceans have enjoyed in our absence.


On March 7th 2020, before the lockdown, The Dive Centre partnered with Majestic Whale Encounters in Australia to conduct an Ocean Care clean-up session, where our Divers take a very different kind of dive. 

They scoured the ocean floor for all kinds of trash, and like the first successful campaign, the results were astonishing. In just 4 hours, the Divers were able to collect a total of 32.9 Kg of trash.

It consisted of: 

A fishing net & Nylon rope – 09 Kg

Discarded Fabric – 08.600 Kg

Polythene – 04.800 Kg

Plastic – 03.500 Kg

Rubber, Fiber and others – 07 Kg

We are incredibly grateful to partner with such wonderful organisations as Majestic Whale Encounters, emphasising how the welfare of our oceans is not just a local or national issue, but an international one, which we must come together as one in order to overcome.

The commitment to marine welfare and the cleanliness of our oceans is amply demonstrated by the responsible and hands-on approach taken by Majestic Whale Encounters to not only enjoy the treasure that the underwater world has to offer, but to also preserve it for others yet to come.

However, the Ocean is far being rid of these pollutants that destroy entire species of marine life. 

While we thank Majestic Whale Encounters for their community care endeavour, we invite you to help us rid the ocean of plastic by joining hands with this endeavour.

Visit the Dive for Good Website for more information now!

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