The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 900+ villages island-wide, and reached over 307,000+ beneficiaries in 2022 alone by way of 15 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

Unleashing the Strength Within: Women’s Empowerment as a catalyst of rural development

Flowing with Goodness
November 30, 2023
A Glimpse of Village Life
December 15, 2023

The Foundation of Goodness Women Empowerment Programme intricately weaves the importance of women’s development as the cornerstone of progress especially in rural communities. Recognising that empowering women is pivotal to fostering opportunities in rural communities, the Foundation of Goodness offers a diverse range of programmes focused specially on educating and empowering women through endeavours that break barriers and stereotypes and is a true catalyst of transformative change.



The Foundation of Goodness especially focusses on skills development, and to date the Women Empowerment Programme has become a lifeline for a countless number of women in rural areas, by offering free-of-charge training in diverse fields such as dressmaking, cookery, bag making, and beauty culture. The impact of these initiatives is profound, as countless women graduate from the program equipped with the skills to start their own businesses. These thriving entrepreneurs not only contribute to the economic growth of their communities but also serve as inspirational figures for others seeking a path to independence.



In the realm of Information Technology, the program extends its reach, providing women with the tools to learn coding and computer skills. The success stories that emerge are a testament to the transformative power of education, with women reaching new heights in the dynamic field of Information Technology. The Foundation of Goodness proudly showcases numerous success stories from its own BPO projects, where women have not only excelled but also become integral contributors to the tech industry as well as to their communities. 



Sports, too, has fast become a popular area for empowerment and development, especially in cricket where women from our very own centres have not only secured spots in the Sri Lanka cricket team but we have also seen other women excel in other sports such as swimming and badminton. These achievements underline the diversity of talents nurtured through the Women Empowerment Programme.



Crucially, the program addresses the urban-rural divide by empowering women with skills, knowledge, and opportunities. In this nurturing environment, women become catalysts for positive change, creating a more balanced and equitable society.

As we reflect on the profound impact of empowering women in rural communities, the emotional resonance of these efforts becomes apparent. Each empowered woman is a testament to resilience, growth, and triumph, and collectively they illuminate the path towards a brighter, more inclusive future. The Foundation of Goodness Women Empowerment Programme stands as a beacon of hope, guiding rural communities towards a better tomorrow where the empowerment of women is not just a goal but a transformative journey that uplifts entire societies.

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