The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 900+ villages island-wide, and reached over 307,000+ beneficiaries in 2022 alone by way of 15 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

Educational and Sports Scholarships 2021

July 1, 2021
Mobile Data For Rural Students
July 14, 2021

The Foundation of Goodness understands that one of the only ways out of the vicious cycle of poverty is Education, be it knowledge based, vocational skills or even sporting talent. However the sad reality is that many rural Sri Lankan students do not have the financial resources and opportunities to reach their full potential. Additionally, many do not have the luxury to pursue higher education due to obligations towards their families and the need to enter the workforce in order to provide for their families who often struggle financially. 

Therefore, one of the most important empowerment initiatives carried out by the Foundation of Goodness is the provision of educational and sports scholarships to deserving rural students across Sri Lanka. 102 beneficiaries currently receive educational and sports scholarships while 1,057 have been awarded over the past few years. These scholarships aim at encouraging deserving students to pursue higher education without having to fear for the wellbeing of their families as well as providing support to move towns to be closer to their educational institutions and transport arrangements, which they would otherwise not be able to afford. 

Each student’s progress is monitored so as to ensure they receive the full benefit of the scholarship awarded. The Foundation of Goodness is proud to have many success stories of these beneficiaries who excelled because of the opportunities provided by these scholarships. 

Recent Outstanding Scholarship Recipients: 

The Foundation of Goodness was happy to award Maheswaran Kalyani, who topped the Kilinochchi District for A/L results in the biotechnology stream this year, an educational scholarship to attend University next year. 

We reached out to her after learning from the local newspapers that when she received her results she was working at a garment factory to support her family of 5. Her father is a daily wage earner and her mother is a homemaker.

We were also happy to recognise and award an educational scholarship for Nilani Satgunanayakam who ranked first in her A/L stream in the Jaffna District this year!

She lives in a rural village with her mother and 5 siblings. Her mother is a housewife. This scholarship will enable her to attend the Law faculty of the Colombo University, to further her higher education!

When we saw the picture of 7 year old Shehansa struggling to attend her online classes using a mobile phone during flash floods in the Gampaha District, we were heartbroken.

We are now happy to announce that both her and her sister have been awarded educational scholarships, which is sure to help them pursue online school!


The story of Inthugathevi Kanesh is a truly special and remarkable one. She is a female boxer from Puthiyanagar in the Mullaitivu District of Sri Lanka. Not only is it rare for women to pursue boxing, but she also faced many hardships growing up without a father and from very humble beginnings. However, Inthugathevi did not give up and through relentless determination and hard work, she has won many accolades such as the gold medal and best boxer award at the BASL Men & Women Junior National Boxer Championships 2019, the bronze medal at the XLV National sports festival 2019 and the silver medal at the 94th BASL Men & Women National Boxing Championships 2019 to name just a few. She has now been awarded a sports scholarship to encourage her to fulfil her sporting dreams!








Additionally, for the 8th consecutive year, 15 promising young cricketers were presented with the prestigious MCC Scholarships by FoG Trustee and President of the Marylebone Cricket Club Kumar Sangakkara. These young boys and girls were selected due to exceptional performances during the previous season. All the players selected from around Sri Lanka have been ear-marked as future stars and these scholarships will be extremely helpful in supporting their cricketing and educational endeavors.


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