The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 900+ villages island-wide, and reached over 307,000+ beneficiaries in 2022 alone by way of 15 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

Educational and Sports Scholarships 2021
July 7, 2021
Dive for Good Centre 2021
July 21, 2021

As schools and education centres remain closed all across Sri Lanka due to the spread of COVID-19, most lessons have moved online, and this has proved an immense challenge to many students in rural Sri Lanka. 

Having missed out on months of schooling, the students are struggling to continue their studies uninterrupted during this time and even as some schools move their lessons online the difficulty in accessing these classes persist. Being unable to access the internet, they often seek higher ground, climbing on top of trees and roofs to get cell reception, or having to share one smart device with all their siblings as they try to all access their classes. With all these difficulties, they are also faced with the secondary challenge of affording the necessary data packages to access the internet.

34 students from the estate worker community were some of the first to receive these data cards, for which they were extremely grateful. Many rural families who depend on a daily wage are struggling due to COVID-19 just to put one meal on the table everyday and therefore often have no means of affording internet data cards, which has caused hundreds of students to miss their online lessons. 

The glaring disparity between urban and rural Sri Lanka is only becoming deeper. In an effort to bridge this gap, the Foundation of Goodness has begun an appeal for donations to provide data cards for these rural students. We aim to reach over 1500 students at this crucial time to help them keep up with their studies online!

At the incredibly low price of just USD 3 MAX* you can provide ONE MONTH of data for ONE STUDENT. We will be prioritizing students who are sitting for major examinations, such as the Grade 5 scholarship examinations and the GCE O/ Level and A/ Level examinations. 

As education is the best chance that many of these children have in escaping a life mired in poverty and struggle, we hope you will join hands with us at such a crucial time to help these students stay on track and access their online classes.

Donate now to make a real difference:

*subject to three major mobile data packages offered island-wide, the number of students will increase (Dialog: 12 GB | Rs 490 Mobitel: 25 GB | Rs. 166 Airtel: Unlimited | Rs. 590)

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