The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 900+ villages island-wide, and reached over 307,000+ beneficiaries in 2022 alone by way of 15 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

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Over the years the Foundation of Goodness has fostered many great partnerships. This month we would like to honour one such partnership that truly made the The Foundation Of Goodness what it is today and also has greatly impacted sports in the rural Sri Lanka. The Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC).


Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) UK, renowned for Lords Cricket Ground as the ‘Home of Cricket,’ has been instrumental in advancing the Foundation of Goodness’ key projects. This encompasses the establishment of the MCC Centre of Excellence in Seenigama from 2007 up to 2020 and the Sri Sumangala College Lords Cricket Grounds in Hikkaduwa, inaugurated by former England Cricket Captain and former MCC President Mike Brearley in 2007.Their unwavering commitment to rural communities is truly commendable. 



Having empowered countless beneficiaries to create their own success stories. The MCC Centre of Excellence, serving 175 villages in the Seenigama region, emerged from the MCC’s compassionate response to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, significantly advancing rural development in Sri Lanka and bridging the urban-rural divide,resulting in a wave of opportunities.



MCC’s support extended to the Sri Sumangala College Lords Cricket Grounds, providing rural children and youth exposure to international school and club teams, enhancing their cricketing abilities and enabling national and international representation. The MCC to date provides annual sports scholarships, nurturing national-level players from rural backgrounds as well as the school itself, advancing in cricket to reach higher grades. 



The Foundation of Goodness is forever grateful to the MCC Presidents, CEOs, Members, and the MCC Board of Local Trustees for their enduring support, driving lasting positive change in rural Sri Lanka.

MCC Presidents who have supported the Foundation of Goodness during their tenure:

Mike Brearley | D L Underwood | J R T Barclay | The Late Christopher Martin-Jenkins | Phillip Hodson | Mike Griffith | Mike Gatting | David Morgan | Roger Knight |Lord lan McLaurin | M V Fleming | Anthony Wreford | Kumar Sangakkara

MCC CEO’s & Secretaries:

Keith Bradshaw | Derek Brewer | Guy Lavender

Lead Liaison for MCC:

Tom Seabrook

Local Board of Trustees:

The Late Vijaya Malalasekera | Ajith Dias | Mano Ponniah



To this day the MCC continues to support the Foundation of Goodness  by providing  scholarships to the youth, thus helping to nurture rural talent.

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