The Foundation of Goodness is a holistic rural development model that seeks to bridge the urban-rural divide in Sri Lanka via 10 empowerment divisions across 900+ villages island-wide, and reached over 307,000+ beneficiaries in 2022 alone by way of 15 Empowerment Centres, free of cost.

Tokyo Cement Cricket Coaching Camps 2022

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With the easing of health regulations the Foundation of Goodness was able to resume the Tokyo Cement Cricket Coaching Camps which take place in the North and East of Sri Lanka. 

These are action packed full day cricket training camps for rural Sri Lankans who aspire to become professional cricketers. The coaching camps have expanded in recent times to include more girls, who have expressed a growing interest in the sport. 

The latest round of coaching camps which started in 2021 had to be paused after the first 6 sessions due to Covid-19 regulations and we have only been able to pick up where we left off in February 2022.

The 7th Tokyo Cement Cricket coaching camp took place at Yarlton College in Jaffna, with the participation of 60 aspiring rural cricketers between the ages of 13-19. 3 cricket coaches from the North trained the boys in batting, bowling and fielding techniques. 


The 8th coaching camp was conducted in Mannar, with 75 aspiring boys & girls from the rural locality, the 09th in Vavuniya at the Young Stars SC grounds, with the participation of 75 boys & girls, the 10th in the Mullaitivu at the Diamond Sports Club Ground with 35 boys participated in the coaching camp along with the 3 local coaches and the 11th coaching camp was held in Kilinochchi at the Central College Grounds with the participation of 48 boys & girls along with the 3 local coaches.

These cricket coaching camps offer both indoor and outdoor training sessions. As part of the rural sports development initiatives of the Foundation of Goodness, these coaching camps also help us identify the exceptionally talented players, who are then nurtured to become the stars that they are! For example, MCC scholarship recipient Vijayakanth Viyaskanth, made history as the first born-and-bred cricketer from his city (Jaffna) to appear in an internationally televised game from Sri Lanka and played in the Sri Lanka National Under 19 Cricket Team. 

A special thank to Tokyo Cement for supporting this project over the course of many years and empowering rural sports men and women in Sri Lanka. 

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